Speech Therapy
Learning to communicate is vitally important in life. For many, communication comes easy
For others who experience speech or language delays, fluency disorders, hearing problems, or other impairments, communication skills must be developed through Speech-Language Pathology. Abilities First's speech-language pathologists introduce a variety of fun, experience-based language activities to promote curiosity, conversation, while learning. Augmentative communication devices, gestures, and assistive technology are a few adaptations to foster independent communication skills. In addition, feeding and oral motor needs can be addressed by the team.
Focused Areas:
- Language and articulation difficulties
- Phonological awareness/literacy
- Feeding and eating issues
- Assistive Technology use and training
- Cochlear Implants/hearing aids and central auditory processing
- Social skills/pragmatics
- Social Thinking
- Dyspraxia/Apraxia of speech
- Reading and literacy
Therapist utilize combine therapy disciplines to best fit the clients needs.